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Success Stories

James Weldon current head coach of the Irish Women's Basketball Team


Over the first six months of this year, 2022, with the help of Pat Sheehan Weight loss coaching I lost 65 lbs (4 stone 9 pounds)I found the first week or two difficult because I liked to snack a lot in the past after that it was a case of sticking to the routine. The Plan Pat gives has plenty variety and after that first week or two you never really feel hungry.


It’s been hugely transformed things for a me. I would have played a lot team sports when I was younger. I stopped playing and then gained a lot of weight. I then started off in the gym and running and dropped the weight through running marathons etc. Unfortunately, I did damage to my knee that I’ll need a replacement in the future so that ended my running. I really thought I wouldn’t go back to where I was and see that body condition again. I went to Pat as a last throw of the dice. 


I coach at a very high level and have worked with some of the best Sports science people in the country in all grades of Irish basketball and other high level sports teams so would always have an interest and understanding of these things. 

Pat is extremely knowledgeable in the area of nutrition and really explains it in a way that makes it very easy to follow. With a little bit of effort and hard work, and applying Pat's simple and practical approach, week by week it fell into place and then as the pounds started to drop off you find more energy for workouts and life in general. 

My only regret is I didn’t sign up sooner.

Damien .jpeg

“Thanks, Pat! My weight loss journey has been life-changing! All I can say is if I can do it anyone can. In the past, my eyes were always bigger than my stomach. I love my food. Portion sizes... what portion sizes? I’d regularly miss breakfast and snack on the wrong kind of foods (not realising what I was putting into my body) and then I'd eat large dinners to make up for it. I’m a self-confessed late-night snacker, multi-packs didn’t stand a chance. So the weight crept on year after year. I tried eating low-calorie ready meals and had some success but it was short-lived. The weight came back and I gave up. My wife had been to Pat and had great success but my excuse was that ‘she exercises regularly’ and I didn’t. I had never been to a coach before, so I took the plunge... thinking I knew it all, but Pat wasn't long opening my eyes, his message was simple, easy to understand and it worked.

After my first meeting, with great enthusiasm, I went off and did my first shop of healthy goodies. After a few weeks (monitored by Pat) I dropped weight and toned up. I never had a gym membership, and only played sports as a kid. The most I did was a bit of walking but that's enough, you don't have to kill yourself on the treadmill to lose weight. Portion sizes and timing, timing, timing!!! he drills it into you. It is all about eating at the right times and having the correct portions. Months in and i could see it in my clothes sizes! All my old clothes were hanging off me. I was actually eating more, ‘I was eating myself thinner’. I lost two & a half stone. I went from a 40” to 32” waist, XXL to L. The difference this time was it didn’t feel like a diet, my late-night cravings a thing of the past. Eager to keep the weight off I returned to Pat to do stage two. Today, 6 months down the road, I feel better, I have more energy, and almost without effort, I have lost another stone. I look at food differently now. I shop for healthier foods, it comes naturally to me. I still have my goodies from time to time! I don’t even think about it anymore and I can easily maintain my weight. So if you want to lose weight folks, he is your man for sure.” Damien

Jason - 2 Stone 8 pounds Weightloss


Congratulations to Jason who in 12 weeks lost Two Stone Eight Pounds 15.65% of his starting body weight.

Blanaid - 1 Stone, 10 pounds Weightless


Congratulations to Blanaid who in 12 weeks lost one Stone Ten Pounds (14.59% of her starting body weight) 

Cyril Conroy- 2 Stone, 11 ½ pounds Weightloss


“A big thank you to Pat Sheehan, who provided such wonderful structure for my successful weight loss. And now, to be working with Pat (please see “Counselling support” tab, on this website) I get to help others also, with the emotional side of weight loss. What a wonderful journey it has been and continues to be!”


Operation Transformation Winner

Winner was Trish in 12 weeks losing a unbelievable one Stone 9 pounds, 11.74% of her starting body weight. 


Congratulations to Trish who won a two night stay with dinner on one night in the Schull Harbour Hotel West Cork. 




Geraldine - 2 Stone Weightloss


'Pat kept the movatation going during Covid checking in with me every week & weighing myself via WhatsApp. I think it will work for a lot of people in the future rather trying to make the journey in every week to meet face to face, I found it very effective the same as before & with a busy house hold etc it freed up time been able to check in this way.'


Lorraine - 1 Stone 11lbs


After just 12 weeks Lorraine lost an unbelievable 1 Stone 11 pounds, 14.53% of her starting body weight, 12 bags of sugar Congratulations to Lorraine who won a two night stay with dinner on one night in the West Lodge Hotel Bantry Co Cork.



Eleanor - 2 Stone Weightloss


'A massive thank you to Pat Sheehan at The Loft Fitness Studio Millstreet for all his help, support, guidance and motivation. Let the hardwork, dedication and consistency continue'


Mike - 5 Stone Weightloss


'My journey with Pat has been nothing short of life changing. Pat's focus on designing a programme to suit my work life balance was brilliant and coupled with his insights into food psychology I lost 5 stone.

Thanks for everything. Mike.'


Stephen - 3 Stone 4.5lbs Weightloss


'I want to say a big thanks to Pat Sheehan Health and Fitness Killarney only for Pat's plan With the last 12 to 14 weeks I would not be looking this way now I'm delighted that I joined Pat's Course I would highly recommend him and if I start to fall off the wagon I'll be giving you a call straight away... Thanks again Pat Sheehan.'



Gabriel - 7 Stone Weightloss


'Working with Pat over the past 12 months has changed my life, for the better, in ways I couldn’t have imagined before starting the weight loss programme.'




Cian - 2 Stone 3.5lbs Weightloss


Cian O Keeffe in 12 weeks losing a unbelievable 2 Stone 3 & a half pounds 13.61% of he's starting body weight, 15.5 bags of sugar


Danny From San Francisco USA 


'In eight months from. March to October 2021 I lost 72 pounds (5 stone 1.5 pounds).


I had a few family and friends back in Ireland that did this weight loss program and they were kind of on my back to give it a go. They had done the program online as well and assured me if I gave it a go and took it seriously that I would never look back. 


Pat explained everything in such detail on our first WhatsApp video call, what he said just made sense and the approach was simple.


Finally I would like to thank Pat for all his encouragement throughout the 8 months as he kept me accountable through WhatsApp every week  which was key to my success.' 


Cian - 3 Stone Weightloss


Congratulations to Cian McCarthy Showing how much weight he has lost in the last 12 weeks April May & June.

20 bags of Sugar (20kg or 3 Stone 1.5lbs)

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