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Learn about how it's possible to lose weight wherever you are based in the world. Recently, Covid-19 has had such an impact on how we live our lives, we all have had to adjust in some way.

While traditionally a one-on-one consultation would be carried out in person, with weekly check-ins in my office, it is now possible to do all this anywhere in the world, virtually via WhatsApp and our Branded App.


This is the same way the 12 Week Weight Loss Program would be carried out as if it was in person, the same Accountability, Motivation and Advice


Danny From San Francisco USA 


'In eight months from. March to October 2021 I lost 72 pounds (5 stone 1.5 pounds).


I had a few family and friends back in Ireland that did this weight loss program and they were kind of on my back to give it a go. They had done the program online as well and assured me if I gave it a go and took it seriously that I would never look back. 


Pat explained everything in such detail on our first WhatsApp video call, what he said just made sense and the approach was simple. 


I must admit I did find it difficult to begin with to change my routine and try to stick to the plan Pat made out for me. The one thing Pat kept saying to me week in week out was to stick with my new routine long enough, and if I did, it would all fall into place and become natural. 


Two months on since I reached my goal weight and ten months since I started what can I say. Life changing is an understatement. 


The best thing for me is this is now the normal way I approach and eat food, in a lot of ways I am more satisfied and enjoy the food I eat way more then ever before. 


I am benefiting from a lot of other things that I didn’t realise were holding me back. My Fitness levels are so good, I commute and work long hours so being 5 Stone lighter just makes the long days and heat a million times easier both physically and mentally. I have so much more energy to do things and to be in the mood to do things. 


I would like to thank my family and friends that encouraged and supported me over the last few months.


Finally I would like to thank Pat for all his encouragement throughout the 8 months as he kept me accountable through WhatsApp every week  which was key to my success.' 

Features of Online Services:


- Instead of attending our office, you will be Face to Face via WhatsApp Video, from wherever you are in the world. 


- You will receive your 12 Week Weight Loss Guide within the New Branded App which has been launched at the start of 2023.


 - Weekly Food Diary check-ins are done by the New Branded App, available on the App Store and Google Play Store.


- Pat will then analyse both your Food Diary and your Record Sheet, and will reply with a message with advice for the week ahead. 


- Knowing what to do and actually doing it are two very different things. Being held Accountable every week and getting the right advice is key to your success.


- In addition, at the end of each week you will receive a Motivational Postcard in the App.

Let's Work Together

Staying accountable while trying to lose weight is key. While many people know 'how' to lose weight and manage their eating habits, it can be easy to be lose focus and motivation. The weekly check-ins help remove this possibility of not achieving your goals.

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How to Download the App

1. Join 12 Week Weight Loss Course by Contacting Pat

Directly via Mobile [087-6856930] or Email

2. Download App via Link

3. Create Account once App is Downloaded

4. Navigate to the Online Programs tab

5. Click into 12 Week Weight Loss Course

6. Request to Join Program

7. Wait till Request is approved


How to Track and Log Food

1. Open App

2. Click 'Continue' to begin 12 Week Weight Loss Course

3. Fill in Digital Screening Form, and Submit.

4. Fill in Fitness Analysis Form, and Submit.

5. Read Health and Fitness Guide (PDF)

6. To track food, Click Steps, Goto Week 1 and Select the Current Day of the Week.

7. Click 'Mark as Complete'

8. Log Food for each Meal and Click Submit.

9. Reminder: Submit Weight on Fridays between 6am and 10am.

10. To Edit your Food Diary, Click into the Day you wish to edit, Click View Details', then 'View Response and then 'Edit Response'.

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